
Important Dates in our Parish

Published on February 24, 2019

Important Dates in our Parish:

Archbishop Eamon Martin will officiate at Confirmation on Friday 1 March at 5.00pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Donaghmore.

First Penance:

Galbally: Tuesday 12 March 2019
Donaghmore: Thursday 14 March 2019

First Holy Communion:

St. Patrick’s Church Donaghmore Saturday 4 May 2019
St Mary’s PS and Blessed…

Accord – Pre-marraige course

Published on February 15, 2019

ACCORD – (028) 3833 4781

Anyone planning to get married in any parish must contact the parish priest in their own parish and give at least three month’s notice of their intention to marry.
They must also complete an approved pre-marriage course. To book a marriage course please telephone

St. Patrick’s Church – A History – Buy the Book

Published on January 18, 2019

Anybody with an interest in local history or who has a connection to Donaghmore parish will be very interested in a recently published book.

The Parish of Donaghmore has a long ecclesiastical history dating right back to St. Patrick who established the first church here in the fifth century.

The beautifully presented hardback gives a…

Let’s Live Advent

Published on December 14, 2018

Advent Random Act of Kindness –
Write a letter to someone you have not been in touch with for a while.

Advent Act of Charity –
Consider giving what you can to support homeless families this Christmas. There are food banks in a lot of areas and they all need extra help at…

Anniversary Notices in the Domhnach Mór Bulletin

Published on December 5, 2018

When requesting an anniversary Mass please write the name of the deceased, the day and date of the anniversary, the chapel and a contact name and number on the outside of the envelope and leave in Donaghmore Parochial House or in either sacristy.

Congratulations Tyrone Ladies Football Team

Published on November 9, 2018

We congratulate the Tyrone Ladies Football Team on winning the County Tyrone Intermediate Football Final 2018.  We thank them for the joy they have brought our county and beyond.

With every good wish from our parish.